10 Star Trek Characters Who Don't Deserve The Hate

9. Captain Edward Jellico

Wesley Crusher Wil Wheaton Star Trek Next Generation TNG
CBS Media Ventures

Jellico receives a tonne of hate after his appearances in Chain Of Command. He relieves Picard of control of the Enterprise, forgoing getting to know the crew so that he can focus on the mission at hand. His experience with the Cardassians is such that, despite arriving on an entirely new ship, he is the man Starfleet picks for the role.

His almost immediate clashes with Riker make it easy to dislike him, though when one buries the loyalty to Will for a second, one must concede that Jellico knew what he was doing - at least to a point. 

In every role, there will always be that manager who arrives and tries to put their stamp on how things are run. Some will be for the better, and some will be for the worse. The worst will be ego-driven, and the best will be experience-driven. With Jellico, it seems to be more the latter - even if that experience doesn't mesh with how the Enterprise is run. 

Where he falls in our estimation is his inability to handle Riker, though he rises when one considers how he handles the Cardassians. Rather than a 'bad' captain, Jellico is simply a very different captain from what we were used to. 

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick