10 Star Trek Characters Who Don't Deserve The Hate

1. Lwaxana Troi

Wesley Crusher Wil Wheaton Star Trek Next Generation TNG

Lwaxana Troi arrives early in The Next Generation and those initial appearances are jarring. Majel Barrett brings an over-the-top camp to the show that breaks the mould, though it was often too much of a good thing. This lift was needed, but the rest of the characters didn't quite match her energy.

This is not something that mellowed over time. The character was simply used more effectively, while the rest of the cast had settled into their roles. The comfort that Michael Dorn and Marina Sirtis show in Cost Of Living is the difference between night and day when compared with Haven.

Lwaxana then bore the brunt of unsteady storytelling, which isn't quite fair. Consider such episodes as Dark Page and The Forsaken. In both examples, the audience is shown the range that Troi has to offer, from the stark depiction of the former, to the loving a caring aspect of the latter. 

It may simply be the cast that the character suited Deep Space Nine over The Next Generation, with exceptions. The early manhunter portrayal did the character no favours, but there is more to Majel Barrett's second and final on-screen character in Star Trek than she often receives credit for. 

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick