10 Star Trek Nepo Babies

9. Daniel Stewart

Star Trek Christian Slater
CBS Media Ventures

Daniel Stewart is the son of Patrick Stewart. Both appeared together in The Inner Light, wherein Daniel played Batai, the son of Patrick Stewart's Kamin.

This was not the first role that Daniel auditioned for in Star Trek, though it has gone down as something of a deep moment in the franchise's history. Not only do father and son appear on-screen, playing father and son no less, but Batai is a musician. He plays a tune on the Ressikan flute that fans of Star Trek: Picard would come to know very well.

The passage that he plays formed the basis for the opening theme of the first and second seasons of Picard, ensuring that this one role in Stewart's repertoire remains at the forefront of fans' memories for decades to come. Outside of Trek, both Stewarts would appear together again in Patrick's recent show Blunt Talk

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick