10 Star Trek Storylines Begging To Be Continued

8. Did Draylon II Live Up To The Hype?

Captain Seven Of Nine Star Trek Legacy Picard Voyager Jeri Ryan

In the second season episode of DS9 Sanctuary, the Skrreean refugees arrive from the Gamma Quadrant, having been displaced by the Dominion. Initially, their leader Hanek strikes up a friendship with Major Kira, and begins to believe that Bajor will be the new home for the millions of refugees arriving.

It doesn't take long for this hope to sour. The Bajoran government turns down their application, believing they would be too much of a drain on resources.

Sisko and Dax, having studied several potential worlds, decide that Draylon II is the best candidate for resettlement. The Skrreeans, having come to believe that Bajor was their new prophecised home, feel betrayed, but accept the new planet.

Flash forward another three years, and the Dominion invade the Alpha Quadrant, with the help of the Cardassian Union. Were the Skrreeans caught up in the crossfire? Did their new safe haven become one of the many casualties of the war?

We can only imagine how they must have felt, rebuilding thousands of lightyears from home, listening to the news network announcing the outbreak of war.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick