10 Star Trek Storylines Begging To Be Continued

7. What Happened To Commander Sela?

Captain Seven Of Nine Star Trek Legacy Picard Voyager Jeri Ryan
CBS Media Ventures

A frequent flier on lists begging for stories to continue is of course the wonderful Sela, as played by Denise Crosby. She was set up to become a major player in Star Trek - until she was tricked by a hologram, and nerve pinched by Data. The end.

I'm sorry, what? She had enough experience and savvy to rise through the Romulan military - Romulans who of course are famously closed off and not a little xenophobic - so as a half-human, Sela's rise is seriously impressive.

Still, for more than thirty years, the audience has been left wondering what happened to her after Picard, Data, and Spock escaped her clutches. It's highly possible she was executed, and at the very least, stripped of rank.

Star Trek Online saw her return, and quite frankly it was written brilliantly. It brings the Romulan supernova into the story, revealing that it was Sela herself who was responsible.

With so much exploration of the Romulan free state post-explosion, it seemed a certainty that she would feature in Picard. Alas, it was not to be. That does however leave Lower Decks and Prodigy in a position to pick up this thread.

At the very least, on-screen, we feel that the final scene the character received was far too ignoble a closing for her. She was set up to be a fantastic villain, so we feel that her capacity for this should be explored.

Now, if there was to be a Star Trek Legacy series, there's your first big bad right there!

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick