10 Star Trek Storylines Begging To Be Continued

5. Species 8472

Captain Seven Of Nine Star Trek Legacy Picard Voyager Jeri Ryan
CBS Media Ventures

Species 8472, or the Undine if we follow their designation in Star Trek Online, were last seen coming to an understanding with the crew of Voyager - after preparing for an all-out invasion of the Federation.

Rather than explore a war between Starfleet and Species 8472, we feel that enough time has passed to see a genuine alliance build between both powers. CGI technology has also come on in leaps and bounds since their first appearance, which was quite impressive for the time.

For several reasons, the conclusion to Species 8472's story left us wanting more. Here was a race that put in the time and effort to mimic Starfleet officers and cadets, reproduce Starfleet Academy to an almost perfect level (including Boothby!), and by the episode's close, came to an understanding with humanity that the invasion would be postponed, pending review.

Well, here we are more than twenty years later in real-time, so we guess the review went well! Similar to other entries on this list, there is a distinctly unfinished feel to their story. Did every member simply say 'OK then' when it was announced that hostilities would cease? What are the family units like in their world - how many of them lost loved ones to the modified nanoprobes?

With the increased threats to Starfleet, like the Romulans, the Borg, and the, ahem, Pakleds - what would an envoy to fluidic space look like now? Would they be welcomed with open limbs?

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick