10 Star Trek Storylines Begging To Be Continued

4. The Vidiians - Post Phage

Captain Seven Of Nine Star Trek Legacy Picard Voyager Jeri Ryan

So, eh, sorry about the whole organ theft thing. We cool?

One can only imagine THAT awkward conversation. Star Trek: Voyager's episode Think Tank reveals that the Phage has been cured in the Vidiian people, which means they are finally freed of their horrific wasting disease, and able to stop attacking passers-by, stealing their organs to survive.

Star Trek Prodigy is now exploring the Delta Quadrant, but consider this - what would a Vidiian settlement look like now? We don't necessarily mean what wonderful advancements have they made - we mean has the rest of the Quadrant hunted them down and exterminated them yet?

Perhaps this sounds rather harsh, but think of it from everyone else's point of view - these vampires have been a blight on the Quadrant for decades. Oh, they're cured? Lovely, all is forgiven.

Much like several early Voyager plotlines, this was a fantastic and fertile ground for storytelling that was just sort of forgotten as time went on. We do see them again in the sixth season episode Fury, but as this is time travel, it doesn't really count.

The Vidiians were driven by desperation to survive. Once that catalyst for their actions has been removed, what are they as a people? Are they now the greatest medical power in the galaxy? Do they continue, having gained a taste for terror?

The return of the Vidiians seems a perfect story to drop several young, naive people into. We don't wish them any harm. But - that Borg episode was quite fun, so why not organ vampires?!

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick