10 Star Trek Villains Who MUST Get Their Revenge

6. The Vaadwaur

Devidian Star Trek Next Generation Times Arrow Troi
CBS Media Ventures

A question for you, if you will. If you were once the dominant power in the quadrant and went into stasis firmly in that belief, only to awaken to find the quadrant had forgotten you, would you not try to seek out what you had lost? Such was the issue facing the Vaadwaur in Voyager's Dragon's Teeth

They had been a force to be reckoned with in centuries past, yet they were an endangered species by the 24th Century. When they were brought out of stasis by an unsuspecting Voyager, they quickly made their plans to retake that which was lost to them.

The truly chilling thing about the end of that episode - and a huge shame that it has yet to be revisited - is that dozens of Vaadwaur ships make it to the safety of their spatial tunnels, thus allowing them to travel huge distances and, presumably, seek a new homeworld to begin their plans again. This, combined with the last-minute betrayal by Voyager (they had very good reason, to be fair) paints a stark picture of what future Vaadwaur-Starfleet relations might look like. 

These fighters may have escaped in small ships, but they are legion, for they are many. 

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick