10 Star Trek Villains Who MUST Get Their Revenge

5. Sela

Devidian Star Trek Next Generation Times Arrow Troi
CBS Media Ventures


We know, we know, Sela again?! 

The duplicitous Romulan agent poses a serious threat to the Alpha and Beta Quadrants, having already helped to bring the Klingon Empire to its knees during the Civil War and almost succeeding in the invasion of Vulcan. That's the thing - she's really quite good at what she does. Is it her fault that Data was there to foil her plans?

The Hobus Supernova shattered not just the surface of Romulus but the structure of the Empire itself. The former Commander was, presumably, cast aside once her involvement in Spock's attempted coercion was discovered. But, to quote Praetor Shinzon, as often happens, a new government came to power. Neral may have been Praetor by Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges, but he had already been deposed by Star Trek: Nemesis.

While revenge against the Romulan Senate may be somewhat pointless at this stage, Sela's seemingly constant thorn, Data, is not only alive by 2401, but he is thriving. If there was ever anyone deserving of a visit from this vengeful former golden child, it's the new golem hero of Jupiter's Drag Race.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick