10 Star Trek Villains Who MUST Get Their Revenge

4. Toral

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Love them or hate them but the House Of Duras has endured for hundreds of years. One of Toral's ancestors plagued the crew of the NX-01 until Jonathan Archer put a rather final statement on things in the Delphic Expanse, though one of that man's descendants would go on to facilitate the massacre on Khitomer. 

Toral is simply the latest in a long line of little gits, ready and waiting to accept Romulan aid, before being abandoned by his aunts. To be fair, that was probably for the best as things didn't exactly end well for them. Toral himself would attempt to find the Sword Of Khaless to aid him in his struggle to retake the Klingon Empire, but alas, no beans there.

The last that anyone knows of Toral, he was in the Gamma Quadrant, having taken a resounding beat down from Worf, Kor, and Jadzia. It is unclear what his military strength, if any, currently is. However, with the Klingon Empire shrouded in so much mystery by the beginning of the 25th Century, it may well be that Toral is finally leading the House of Duras in its glorious vengeance against Martok's high council. 

Or he could be stuck in Dominion territory desperately trying to make enough Ketracel White to buy passage home. Who's to say? 

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick