10 Star Trek Villains Who Were Actually Right

7. Seska

Admiral Pressman Star Trek TNG Pegasus
CBS Media Ventures

For Seska, there is a simple question one must ask themselves - do you see where she was coming from?

Though Chakotay and Janeway weren't in the know, Seska was never a part of either of their crews. She was a deep-cover Cardassian agent, one who was assigned to trail the Maquis before the incident with the Caretaker. Becoming stranded in the Delta Quadrant, based on a decision made by a Starfleet captain no less, was certainly never in the plan.

When discovered swapping secrets with the Kazon, she very pointedly makes the argument that were Voyager a Cardassian vessel, everyone would be home already, referring to Janeway's decision to destroy the Caretaker's Array. From a purely factual standpoint, she's right.

If one believes that the Ocampa could well have taken care of themselves, then it only makes Seska's point more valid - something that even Janeway herself would start to thaw toward, particularly in the episode Night.

No one is arguing that Seska was 'good', by any means. But had she been in charge, everyone would have been home in time for dinner, and none of the crew who were lost during Voyager's seven-year mission would have died.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick