10 Star Trek Villains Who Were Actually Right

6. The Xindi

Admiral Pressman Star Trek TNG Pegasus
CBS Media Ventures / Paramount Pictures

Now, hold on, you don't think we're about to condone the murder of seven million people do you? If so, we obviously need to hide our evil tendencies a bit better!

This one comes from a place of understanding the Xindi's point of view. They were a disparate race who, over time, had finally managed to form an incredible alliance between their peoples. This, after the destruction of their homeworld, would seem to have been inconceivable at one point.

They were then duped into believing that Earth would be responsible for another destruction. This, coming after so much sacrifice, pain, and hard work, not to mention the question of their very survival, was easily something that needed to be stopped. The Sphere Builders manipulated them into the attack, and it was from a position of desperation that they began building their weapon.

The very fact that most of them were able to listen to Archer, and reason, when the time came only solidifies the tragedy, yet logic, behind their position. To be fair, even we can't condone Commander Dolim.

Guy was just a bit of a douche.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick