10 Star Trek Villains Who Were Actually Right

2. Commodore Oh

Admiral Pressman Star Trek TNG Pegasus
CBS Media Ventures

So, are we ever going to address those devastatingly destructive synthetic beings in the sky? No?

Commodore Oh, perhaps the least popular Commodore in Starfleet history, was a Zhat Vash double-agent, working from within Starfleet to destroy all synthetic life in the galaxy. She was almost entirely one-dimensional until one considers why she did what she did.

Members of the Zhat Vash underwent the Admonition, which was effectively a story passed from member to member, heralding the destruction of all organic life in the universe at the hands of AI. There are probably more than a few writers and artists who are looking on this storyline a bit more kindly these days.

The Admonition is so traumatic that people often do not survive, so knowing that Oh did, one can better understand her laser focus on her mission. There are of course bigger questions - like where was that Romulan fleet hiding, and have they all been vindicated when Soji opened the portal?

The thing is - Oh was right. She was entirely wrong about how she went about it, and frankly, Mars wants a word, but Soji's actions prove that there truly was a devastatingly powerful enemy just waiting to come through and purge all organic life from the galaxy. In certain circles, Oh may be remembered as a great hero.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick