10 Star Trek Villains Who Were Actually Right

3. The Diviner

Admiral Pressman Star Trek TNG Pegasus

Star Trek: Prodigy's Diviner, played by John Noble, had a simple mission to achieve: save his world's future by destroying Starfleet in the past. Solem was an isolationist world, so the idea of simply reaching out to the Federation was never an option, particularly when Solem had faced so much destruction.

The Diviner, then, traveled back in time to install the Living Construct aboard the Protostar, planning that when it came into contact with other vessels, it would spread a devastating virus, turning Starfleet ship against ship.

The Diviner's failure, at least from other Vau Nakat, was that he developed a conscience, thanks in no small part to his progeny, Gwyn. This allowed him to open his mind to the possibility of finding another way, rather than consigning an entire empire to destruction. He was unfortunately killed by Ascencia before he could make any changes.

Though his initial plan was horrific, he had been raised in a world that had always believed in keeping its borders closed. Starfleet showed up, and within fifty years, Solem was in ashes. It's hard to argue with that, or with the drive to want to prevent it, either.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick