10 Story-arcs Star Trek: Legacy Should Continue

1. Where The Hell Is Sela?

Captain Tuvok Delta Quadrant Star Trek Legacy Picard Voyager Tim Russ
CBS Media Ventures

If there is one thing that we here at TrekCulture are in danger of becoming is that we may get slightly repetitive - but we don't care. Where the hell is Sela?

To be fair, Star Trek: Picard's third season was a busy one, so cramming her in may not have done the character justice. The first season, however, would have seemed the perfect time to bring her back. The Romulan Empire, having suffered a cataclysmic event with the supernova, needed someone to unify it - who better than Sela, even if she perhaps doesn't have the quadrant's best interests at heart?

She is one of, if not the, biggest dangling thread from Star Trek: The Next Generation. She was working with Praetor Neral, who would return in Inter Arma Enim Silent Legis sans Sela, though he was presumably replaced before the unlucky Praetor Hiren was on the receiving end of Shinzon's thalaron generator in Star Trek: Nemesis. With that power vacuum and the chaotic nature of the Empire in the years that followed, the return and rise of this brilliant tactician would seem ripe for the exploring.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick