10 Story-arcs Star Trek: Legacy Should Continue

2. The Temporal Cold War

Captain Tuvok Delta Quadrant Star Trek Legacy Picard Voyager Tim Russ
CBS Media Ventures / Paramount Pictures

The Temporal Cold War, by its very nature, is the storyline that could bring all of existing Star Trek together in a crossover event. This is another idea that we have touted before, though with Star Trek: Discovery bringing it into their future history, it seems more, forgive the pun, timely.

Star Trek: Enterprise had ideas for the fifth season that never was, one of which included revealing Jonathan Archer as the 'future guy' who was working with the Suliban. The Guardian of Forever had to hide itself away from the galaxy to avoid being abused for the war. Discovery's arrival in the future was a crime against the laws decided after the wars - all of these are plot threads begging for exploration.

In a show named Star Trek: Legacy, the fallout of one of Starfleet's greatest captains operating as someone manipulating time could have serious, long-term repercussions for history. Add to this Kirk's body in Daystrom Station, and another entry on this list - the Temporal Cold War could serve as a way to create one of the biggest events in Star Trek's history: finally uniting the captains on-screen for the first time.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick