10 Story-arcs Star Trek: Legacy Should Continue

9. New Cardassia

Captain Tuvok Delta Quadrant Star Trek Legacy Picard Voyager Tim Russ

The close of the Dominion War came with the revolt of the Cardassian people, who switched sides and joined the Federation Alliance. Damar's resistance managed to storm Dominion headquarters, though he himself was killed in the attack.

The stories that have arisen in the years since vary in terms of who exactly is in charge, but for the purpose of this article, we would like to pick up on Garak taking control of the new Cardassian Union. Our selfish reasons for desiring Andrew Robinson to return to Trek aside, Garak's control of their government could actually serve as a controversial move.

Garak may have sided with the angels against the Dominion, though one must never assume that he is a good man. He is principled, but his drive to return home was fuelled by his hatred of Dukat and the Dominion, as opposed to remodeling Cardassia to fit the Starfleet ideal of democracy.

Star Trek: Discovery has revealed that at some point in history, Cardassia does indeed join the Federation, yet there are almost eight hundred years to explore between those points. The Cardassian Union has been responsible for some dreadful atrocities in the galaxy, so how then would their renewal and return be perceived by such powers as the Bajoran and the Klingons?

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick