10 Story-arcs Star Trek: Legacy Should Continue

8. Klingon Expansion

Captain Tuvok Delta Quadrant Star Trek Legacy Picard Voyager Tim Russ
CBS Television Studios

From Star Trek's earliest days, the Klingons have been bound together in an empire. This is an often overlooked fact, particularly since peace treaties have been signed between them and Starfleet. The greatest period of cooperation occurred in Deep Space Nine when they joined the war against the Dominion.

Yet, in the year before this, they began an assault on both Cardassia and Starfleet, engaging both in a brutal campaign of conquest. As Commander Worf noted, there had been many warriors in the Empire who claimed they had been at peace for too long.

The destruction of the Romulan homeworld and destabilization of their Empire would seem to offer a ripe opportunity for expansion again. After all, despite periods of peace between both powers, the Klingons and the Romulans were old foes. One could hardly be surprised if the Empire adapted that old saying -

Romulus's difficulty is Qu'nos's opportunity.

Is this something that Starfleet could stand by and do nothing about? Technically, they have no jurisdiction over the Beta Quadrant. However, even with Chancellor Martok at the head of the Empire, the idea of the empire stands in opposition to the Federation's ideals. Disappointing as it may be for the history of Star Trek, this may prove to be one of the pivotal storylines in the history of the franchise.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick