10 Story-arcs Star Trek: Legacy Should Continue

3. Ongoing Relations In The Delta Quadrant

Captain Tuvok Delta Quadrant Star Trek Legacy Picard Voyager Tim Russ

Star Trek: Prodigy has revealed that between protostar drives and general propulsion advancement, travel between the Alpha and Delta Quadrants is no longer a lifetime commitment. With the number of first contacts that Captain Janeway and the crew of the USS Voyager were responsible for, revisiting the Delta Quadrant seems like a no-brainer.

The destruction of the Borg Collective also ensures a huge vacuum now exists in what was formerly their territory. What does the landscape of the Delta Quadrant now resemble, and what other powers have flourished without the Borg holding them back?

If nothing else, it would be worth a visit to the Ocampa homeworld. Quite frankly, we want to see them as one of the great powers in the galaxy - it would certainly help further justify Janeway's decision to destroy the Caretaker's array.

What of the Talaxians? The Brunari? The Krenim? The nature of Star Trek: Voyager didn't really allow for much revisiting storylines, as the ship moved closer and closer towards home. The impact of Voyager's journey was already shown to have some notoriety in the original show, so a Federation presence in the quadrant would certainly seem justified.

If ever there was a call for a second contact, it would seem more timely than ever.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick