10 Weird Times Star Trek Characters Changed Divisions

2. Miles O’Brien - His Wardrobe Must Suffer

Star Trek Next Generation Colours TNG Division Changes Data Riker Picard
CBS Media Ventures

You have to feel for Miles - there was hardly a year that went by where he wasn’t put through some horrific torture, mostly to get a response from the audience. The thing is - this tactic was a little too effective. O’Brien was quickly one of the most popular characters in the franchise, so the writers enjoyed putting him through hell, simply because they knew that tears would flow.

He managed to escape - mostly - this fate while he donned the red jumpsuit of early Next Generation, moving over into the gold of the transporter room. In fact, he was so good at his job there that he would survive the jumpsuit to solid colour change that came with the show’s third season.

Moving on over to Deep Space Nine, he became Chief of Operations, which you would assume meant gold for life, right? Not necessarily so - especially when the Defiant found itself thrown back in time - thanks to a dastardly smooth headed Klingon operative named Arne Darvin - and the crew were forced to infiltrate the crew of the original USS Enterprise. Well, anyone familiar with Scotty would know that engineers didn’t wear gold in those days - they were a strictly red division, as though the universe wanted them all dead. While O’Brien did survive the events of Trials and Tribble-ations, he wasn’t without injury - he received a shining black eye for his troubles, courtesy of one of the most famous fist fights in Federation history.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick