Star Trek: 10 Things We Now Know About The Temporal Wars

2. Enterprise-J & Dauntless

Star Trek Enterprise-J Temporal Wars
CBS Media Ventures

The Enterprise-J, recently realised in a stunning updated render by OTOY, was originally designed by Doug Drexler. A city ship with skyscrapers and lush vegetation visible through its hull, perhaps leading to designs like the 32nd Century Angelou class seen in Star Trek: Discovery. Its only on-screen appearance takes place in Azati Prime. Lt. Daniels transports Archer aboard the ship (we have yet to see the exterior in an episode) during the Battle of Procyon V, in an attempt to dissuade the latter from a suicide mission against the Xindi.

This battle is both a crucial moment in the history of the Temporal Wars and a figment of what if, as the defeat of the Sphere Builders wiped it from history. It originally took place in the 26th Century, featuring the Enterprise-J engaging in battle, joined by other Starfleet vessels - including the Dauntless.

The Dauntless design originated from Arturis' vessel in Hope & Fear and initially was a simple re-use of the digital model. However, as explored in our article on the USS Dauntless, the design was retrofitted by one B'Elanna Torres and entered service in Starfleet. This, at least, means that part of the promise of Procyon V came to pass, although now in a different context.


Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick