Star Trek: 10 Times Opening Credits Spoiled The Surprise

2. Michael Dorn - The Way Of The Warrior

Spoiler All Good Things Tasha Yar Denise Crosby Star Trek Next Generation
CBS Media Ventures

Michael Dorn returns to this list for what was a surprise appearance, but a surprising placement in the episode. By the time The Way Of The Warrior had been announced, audiences knew that Michael Dorn was going to join Deep Space Nine as a main cast member. The Next Generation had come to a close and the Enterprise-D had suffered catastrophic damage over Veridian III. This left Worf without a home.

The fourth season of DS9 opens with a changeling hunt aboard the station and the arrival of the Klingon fleet. Then, audiences were treated to a new style of intro - complete with Michael Dorn appearing before Terry Farrell's name in the credits. What was going on, this writer clearly remembers thinking!

Well, it's not that surprising - the credits were listed alphabetically. It also felt like a statement to the audience, encouraging them to accept that things were going to change in the Bajoran Sector, whether they liked it or not. Speaking for myself - I liked it. A lot. 

Worf's name was there in the intro, before he even appeared on-screen, and sure as he would kick Martok's kids ass, he was here to stay. 

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick