Star Trek: 10 Worlds You MUST Visit

3. There Once Was A Shore Leave Planet

Risa Star Trek pleasure world
CBS Media Ventures

Contrary to popular belief, the simplest things can please the greatest minds. As Captain Kirk noted, that is exactly why one highly advanced, and presumed extinct, alien species built a world-wide amusement park in the Omicron Delta region. There, boredom is quite literally a lack of imagination — the planet is capable of conjuring up almost anything you can think of. It's basically a real-life robot holodeck that can read your mind. Just be very very careful what you imagine, and you'll have a great time!

Yes, there have been a couple of 'incidents' on the planet in the past. Doctor McCoy was reportedly lanced through the chest by a fully fabricated medieval jouster after chasing the white rabbit. He wasn't dead for long though! When Kirk and crew of the Enterprise returned two years later, things went awry once more but ended just fine with a Mad-Hatter-Two-Headed-Dragon picnic party.

There are no official records of a Starfleet vessel visiting since, but Kirk's deal with the planet's master computer means it should still be offering its wonders to anyone in the galaxy for aeons to come. What did Okuda's mind summon forth down there? That's a shore leave secret!

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Jack Kiely is a writer with a PhD in French and almost certainly an unhealthy obsession with Star Trek.