Star Trek: 10 Worlds You MUST Visit

4. The Gamma Quadrant

Risa Star Trek pleasure world
CBS Media Ventures

Since the discovery of the galaxy's only known stable wormhole, or the Celestial Temple if you prefer, in 2369, travel to the Gamma Quadrant has never been so quick and easy. We've already had Bajor on this list, so you might as well complete the trifecta with Deep Space Nine and check out what lies on the other side of "the nest in the sky".

Relations with this particular quarter of the cosmos have at times been as smooth sailing as a warp trip in a Bajoran lightship, but Okuda's journey via the iridescent blue whirlpool was invasion fleet — and subspace inversion — free. Not a Kosst Amojan in sight! Sure, it would have been nice to bump into Benjamin 'The Emissary' Lafayette 'The Sisko' along the way, but he's busy being a deity for now.

Large swathes of the Gamma Quadrant were living under the iron fist of the Dominion and their ruthless soldiers the Jem'Hadar for centuries, so this is not the place for pleasure planets! The adventurous among you can take in the Omarion Nebula, play Chula on the Wadi homeworld, or be hunted with Tosk instead.

The reports of a replicant Okuda returning to Parada II are greatly exaggerated!

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Jack Kiely is a writer with a PhD in French and almost certainly an unhealthy obsession with Star Trek.