Star Trek: 10 WORST Holodeck Episodes

9. Spirit Folk - Voyager

Fair Haven Star Trek Voyager Spirit Folk Holodeck

I'm going to draw on all of the goodwill that I've ever built up in Ireland as I make this shocking statement. While yes, Spirit Folk most certainly does belong on this list, it's really not quite as bad as people might think!

While that statement alone might get me flagged at customs the next time I try to travel anywhere, this episode has definite strong points. The musical score by Jay Chattaway is absolutely gorgeous, and everyone involved commits whole-heartedly to the bit. While the Irish accents are about as good as Tom Cruise in Far And Away, there isn't a sense of meanness to proceedings.

It's never going to rank as one of the best episodes - there is a little too much twee and fiddle-dee-dee going on - but there is a sort of innocence to it that certainly helps. Richard Riehle may be as Irish as the British Crown, but he's charming and loveable all the same.

Now there's still a question in there. Would Maggie O'Halloran have kissed Harry back?

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick