Star Trek: Every* Starbase Ranked Worst To Best

17. Starbase 74

Star Trek Spacedock Fleet Museum
CBS Media Ventures

Though a Spacedock-type Starbase, 74 lands low here for a couple of reasons. The first is that, despite a bit of aspect ratio fun to make the stock footage from Star Trek III: The Search For Spock fit in the standard television format, the very fact that it is re-used footage makes this starbase ridiculous.

Spacedock is said to be roughly a kilometre in length, with the Constitution-class Enterprise 1701 fitting snugly between those doors. For Starbase 74, the exact same doors are wide enough to allow the far larger - and wider - Galaxy-class Enterprise-D through. This means that the station must be at least twice the size of Spacedock - let's hope it never loses orbit!

The simple truth is that it was chosen to save a bit of money in The Next Generation's first season. The footage of the station with the Enterprise-D would be reused several times, such as episodes like Remember Me, Ensign Ro, and Phantasms. Though always a welcome sight seeing Spacedock, it does baffle the mind a bit to consider its monstrous dimensions. Thankfully, this is something that received an update in Star Trek: Picard.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick