Star Trek: Every* Starbase Ranked Worst To Best

15. Starbase 375

Star Trek Spacedock Fleet Museum
CBS Media Ventures

Though Starbase 375 was a reuse of the original Orbital Office model from Star Trek: The Motion Picture, this version of the station lost the copper tubes that would run above, or below, as per Regula One. Therefore, it became its own class of station. 

Starbase 375 is perhaps most notorious for becoming the home away from home for the crew of the USS Defiant, first appearing in A Time To Stand. It became Captain Sisko's seemingly permanent assignment as he took up his new post as adjutant to Admiral Ross. Between the sixth season opener and Sacrifice Of Angels, it was the backdrop for much of Starfleet's war plans.

It is slightly ironic that Sisko and his crew would spend so much time on one of Star Trek's oldest starbase models plotting their return to one of its newest (at that point), yet there is something to be said for the bells and whistles of a Starfleet designed starbase. It must be said - the Defiant looked very sharp floating alongside. 

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick