1 Reason Why Evil Morty Isn't Rick's Original Morty (And 5 Why He Is)
Who is the one true Morty?
Rick and Morty. Batman and Robin. Han Solo and Chewbacca.
How nicely does the grandpa/grandson team sit in the league of all-time protagonists and sidekicks? Well, Rick can't really be said to be a hero, of course, so there is that.
Rick and Morty as a series can't be said to have had a strong narrative running through it, though there is one evolving story in the show that has drawn the attention of all who watch the show. That is, of course, the Evil Morty saga.
Evil Morty was introduced in the first season as a sidekick to Evil Rick, though it's later revealed that Evil Rick is a robot being controlled by Evil Morty who escapes with the other Mortys that he captured and sent to live on the Citadel of Ricks. Evil Morty is shown to be everything a normal Morty isn't, namely highly intelligent, cunning, unscrupulous, sadistic, and cold.
His appearance in the show has caused debate among fans as to where he has come from, and, while there are a few good theories out there, one has captured the fans' attention more than the rest.
This is the one that says Evil Morty is Rick's original Morty and that Rick C137 isn't who he says he is. This theory would certainly fit in well with the show, because there are some things that don't add up with Rick's backstory, as well as some of the comments made in the show that seem to support such an idea.
So, let's look at the reasons why this is true and one why it could all be smoke and mirrors.
6. Why He Isn't - It Might Be Too Convenient
The issue with all of this is that until it is a proven theory, it remains hearsay and conjecture.
Rick and Morty is one of the only shows, other than something like Futurama, that can simply dispel with something that is seemingly important by using its setting to throw it out as quickly as it can be thought of.
This has been the case on a few occasions, for example when Rick just shifted him and Morty to a new dimension because they wrecked the old one beyond repair. It's a very easy and obvious answer that they take because they can, though there are aforementioned caveats to it.
Rick can just pull a solution out of thin air and use the show's multi-verse premise to explain it away in a second. So, is the Evil Morty theory just too convenient? It has had many things that point in that direction, but this could all just be one big red herring.
Evil Morty being the original Morty of our Rick might not be a good theory for this show just because it's too obvious a road to go down. Especially with a series that uses the obvious to its own end, often ending up in a mixture of the obvious and the totally off the wall.