10 Best Doctor Who Episodes According To YOU

1. Vincent And The Doctor

Doctor Who Midnight
BBC Studios

Rating: 9.3/10

It's delightful to see Vincent and the Doctor so high up the ranking. Of all the celebrity historicals in the modern era, none hold a candle to the emotional power of this one.

Cutting right to the chase, the story is most fondly remembered for the scene in which Van Gogh, a man who died penniless with no respect or renown, sees the full extent of his legacy. It's an iconic Doctor Who moment, and a genuine tear-jerker.

The episode does a fantastic job of portraying Vincent’s depression and erratic nature, especially upon discovering that the Doctor and Amy plan to leave once the Krafayis is dealt with (the metaphor of the invisible monster that only Vincent can see is sublime). Likewise, the scene in which we see the world through Vincent’s eyes as the trio stares at a starry night is an absolute triumph.

Vincent and the Doctor shows the full extent of what Doctor Who is capable of. It has the power to change your view of the world. It educates, it entertains. It reminds you that there is always hope, even in dark times. It continues to leave a powerful impression on Doctor Who fans, and it's a thoroughly earned number one choice.

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Alex is a sci-fi and fantasy swot, and is a writer for WhoCulture. He is incapable of watching TV without reciting trivia, and sometimes, when his heart is in the right place, and the stars are too, he’s worth listening to.