10 Best Doctor Who Episodes According To YOU

7. The Angels Take Manhattan

Doctor Who Midnight
BBC Studios

Rating: 9/10

We arrive at what will likely be the first big surprise for many of you. The Angels Take Manhattan is good, but it's not widely considered superior to The Doctor's Wife, The Waters of Mars, and Turn Left!

Still, it's an episode with some dizzying highs. It gets full marks for style and setting, mixing New York detective noir with paranormal horror to great effect. The Weeping Angels slot into this setting immaculately, though the Angel of Liberty continues to be one of the most baffling creative decisions of the modern era.

But it’s the Ponds' final farewell that makes this one for the history books. Moffat pulls an End of Time on us, allowing us to hope for a moment that the inevitable goodbye has been averted, only to snatch Amy and Rory away at the last moment. It was brilliantly written, brilliantly acted... and Murray Gold, stop making us cry you monster!

The Ponds spent more time in the Doctor’s life than almost any other companion, and watching them get torn away from him was always going to be rough. It's been over a decade, and this doesn’t get easier to watch.

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Alex is a sci-fi and fantasy swot, and is a writer for WhoCulture. He is incapable of watching TV without reciting trivia, and sometimes, when his heart is in the right place, and the stars are too, he’s worth listening to.