10 Best Doctor Who Episodes According To YOU

6. The Name Of The Doctor

Doctor Who Midnight
BBC Studios

Rating: 9/10

Thought The Angels Take Manhattan would be the most surprising entry on the list? Think again.

Serving as a direct lead-in to the 50th anniversary extravaganza, Series 7 finale The Name of the Doctor sits firmly in the shadow of its successor. It tends to be remembered for the shock reveal of John Hurt as the War Doctor, but upon closer inspection it's got a lot going for it that might explain its high ranking.

Love it or hate it, the episode provides an interesting explanation for the Impossible Girl mystery, and finally gives us a look at the Doctor’s grave on Trenzalore. There's a broader cast of companions, with the ever-lovable Paternoster Gang in tow, and River rather awkwardly watching her husband from beyond the grave.

Richard E. Grant is having the time of his life as The Great Intelligence too, though the less said about the wasted potential of the Whispermen, the better (Jenny dying mid-Zoom call is a great moment though).

For such a monumental moment in Doctor Who history it doesn't quite come together as well as you'd hope, though clearly the people of the internet disagree!

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Alex is a sci-fi and fantasy swot, and is a writer for WhoCulture. He is incapable of watching TV without reciting trivia, and sometimes, when his heart is in the right place, and the stars are too, he’s worth listening to.