10 Doctor Who Spinoffs Fans Want In The Whoniverse

6. The Fugitive Doctor

Doctor Who Paul McGann Eighth Doctor
BBC Studios

Jo Martin’s Fugitive Doctor was the highlight of the Timeless Child storyline. Yet she only actually made four appearances onscreen, three of which were cameos. And she only physically appeared once, in her first story. Every other iteration we saw was either a vision, flashback, or hologram.

It’s possible that she would've featured more in the original Series 13, before it was curtailed by COVID. Others argue that this incarnation was doomed from the start, and that it was irresponsible of the show’s writers to sideline her – not least because she was the first person of colour to play the part.

However, the Fugitive Doctor is starting to find a home in the expanded universe. Her movements prior to Fugitive of the Judoon have been detailed in Titan Comics’ Origins, and she’s set to get her own Big Finish series too. So why not extend her story to the TV screen?

Series 12 and 13 are bursting with elements that could be spun off into a Fugitive Doctor show. Pair her up with Karvanista and explore her time in Division. Or how about her history with Swarm and Azure?

Jo Martin is fantastic in the role, so this would be a canny choice.

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Doctor Who fan/YouTuber and writer of GO FIGURE, the unofficial guide to Character Options' 5.5" Doctor Who action figures!