10 Actors You Didn't Realise Were In Star Wars: The Clone Wars

8. Tom Kenny (Assorted Roles)

Tom Kenny is a well established voice actor most known for his obvious role in SpongeBob Squarepants, as SpongeBob himself. Although unknown to many, Kenny has worked on dozens of animated features over the years including many roles in The Power Puff Girls, and as noted above: Star Wars The Clone Wars. In the show, Kenny continuously portrayed Nute Gunray, the green-skinned Trade Federation Viceroy also seen throughout the prequel trilogy, but ventured into many smaller, and minute characters throughout the show. His best and most notable performance, however, was as Lieutenant Tan Divo in the episode Senate Murders. Divo is an incapable inspector investigating the culprit in a murder, and Kenny brought some quality to an otherwise unmemorable and unsatisfying episode. Regardless of his performance, I'd feel no remorse in telling you not to watch Senate Murders.

Hey there, I'm Joseph, a college student, and a huge fan of a variety of nerdy stuff. Ultimately I'm a big-time Star Wars fanboy, and an avid Nintendo fan. Some of my favorite video games of all time include Super Mario 64, Super Mario Galaxy, The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, the Paper Mario series, and Metroid Prime, but I am known to greatly enjoy other games like Call of Duty, Battlefield, and Halo. Star Wars is my obsession, and I'm a massive Clone Wars fan and will never overcome Disney's cancellation of the series. I'm thrilled to write for What Culture, and I hope you all enjoy my articles!