10 Actors You Didn't Realise Were In Star Wars: The Clone Wars

6. Seth Green (Todo 360)

Cad Bane's sassy, bastardly, little droid henchman known as Todo 360, and more often as simply 'Todo', was a character prominent in season 2 and 3 of the series. Seth Green has lately been tied close with the development of the Star Wars universe, including his hand in producing and writing the since-scrapped project: Star Wars Detours (this is when you all write hate letters to Disney for cancelling all Star Wars projects in-progress, like Star Wars 1313 and Detours). Green, a fan of The Clone Wars from the start, was quickly placed into many roles in the show €“ his largest being Todo. Todo may often be seen executing simple missions for Cad Bane €“ one of the show's coolest dude bounty hunters, who's fate is left open ended as result of the series cancellation €“ and he even rescued Bane's notorious cowboy hat when he and Bane were quickly taking their exodus from the planet Teth, fleeing from Jedi Masters Kenobi and Vos in the season three episode Hunt for Ziro. Of course Seth Green himself is also pretty capable: producing, writing, and directing Robot Chicken on Adult Swim, among many film roles.

Hey there, I'm Joseph, a college student, and a huge fan of a variety of nerdy stuff. Ultimately I'm a big-time Star Wars fanboy, and an avid Nintendo fan. Some of my favorite video games of all time include Super Mario 64, Super Mario Galaxy, The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, the Paper Mario series, and Metroid Prime, but I am known to greatly enjoy other games like Call of Duty, Battlefield, and Halo. Star Wars is my obsession, and I'm a massive Clone Wars fan and will never overcome Disney's cancellation of the series. I'm thrilled to write for What Culture, and I hope you all enjoy my articles!