10 Actors Who Demanded To Be Killed Off Popular TV Shows

1. Dean Norris - Breaking Bad

On a show stuffed with great characters, it's a real testament to actor Dean Norris that Hank Schrader stood out.

A member of the DEA, Hank was often held up as a mirror to his brother-in-law Walter White and is one of the many people with lives that Walt is jealous of.

He starts out as an obnoxious jock, but viewers learned to love his more vulnerable traits as the series went on. Then, in the show's final season, Hank came face-to-face with Jack Welker.

After a brave last stand against the neo-Nazis, Hank makes one last defiant speech before Jack murders him right in front of Walt. It's a fantastic scene and a heroically fitting end to his story.

In reality, the reason why this happened was far less exciting. Norris got cast in Under The Dome, so needed to leave Breaking Bad to go film that. He asked the showrunners to kill him off in the first part of the show's last run, to which they said no.

Thankfully, that season was split in two anyway, so Dean had his cake and ate it too and we got to see the most badass departure in Breaking Bad history.

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.