10 Actors Who Demanded To Be Killed Off Popular TV Shows

2. Derek Shepherd - Grey’s Anatomy

If you've even heard the words "Grey's Anatomy" used in that order, then you've also definitely heard the word "McDreamy" shortly thereafter.

Unless you've only ever heard of the 19th Century medical textbook, in which case you must be extremely confused right now.

McDreamy was the nickname given to Derek Shepherd, one of the leading figures on the hit show across its first 11 seasons. He was extremely popular, somewhat down to the strong writing of his character but mostly because he was really hot.

Fans' McDreams were shattered when Derek met his end in a car crash. Meredith Grey was even pregnant with his child at the time. How could Shonda Rhimes do this to us?!

Actually, it was actor Patrick Dempsey who did this to us. He was the one who said he wanted out, actually saying that he wished he'd left the show sooner. It was a very time-consuming gig and the star just wanted to spend a little more time with his family.

But what about your family on the show, Patrick? What about Meredith and your unborn child? What about them?!

Okay, breathe, it's just a TV show...

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.