10 Actors Who HATED Making TV Shows

7. Chevy Chase - Community

Community Pierce Chevy Chase

It's no secret that Community star Chevy Chase had an acrimonious relationship with both creator Dan Harmon and basically the entire cast, but Chase also made it clear to Harmon that he thought the show wasn't up to much either.

In 2012, Harmon released a profane voicemail left for him by an irate Chase, who while respecting Harmon as a creator, was evidently frustrated that much of his work on set was cut out during editing. Chase said of Community to Harmon:

"I don’t want it. It’s just a mediocre f**king sitcom. I want people to laugh, and this isn’t funny. And it ain’t funny to me, because I’m 67 years old and I’ve been making people laugh a long time, and I’ve been doing it a lot better than this."

Regardless of Chase's own alleged misconduct on the show's set - namely making racist jokes - it's clear he didn't enjoy his time working on the iconic sitcom.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.