10 Actors Who Now Hate Their Own TV Shows

2. Ed Harris - Westworld

Westworld Ed Harris

The brilliant Ed Harris has starred in HBO's hit sci-fi show Westworld as the shadowy veteran guest known as the Man in Black aka William.

However, season three saw a major reinvention of Harris' role on the show, as in the late-season episode "Decoherence," he finds himself trapped in a mental institution decked out in a white straightjacket.

In a recent interview, Harris was candid about his dislike for the sudden character change, adding, "I signed on to play the Man in Black. I didn’t sign on to play the Man in White. So, it wasn’t the most joyous season for me, I gotta say."

The gruelling nature of William's time in the institution likely couldn't have made Harris any happier about ditching his dark duds, though the actor is at least philosophical enough to appreciate the nature of his work.

He said, "I'm just playing a character. I’m just doing what the script tells me to do at the best of my ability."


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.