10 Actors Who Now Hate Their Own TV Shows

1. Robert Beltran - Star Trek: Voyager

Westworld Ed Harris

Robert Beltran played first officer Chakotay on Star Trek: Voyager, and was so dismissive of the show's creative direction that a popular myth endures to this day that he was actively trying to get himself fired.

In his own words, "I risked being fired because I wasn't happy creatively...I felt like I was telling the truth, and if people can't take the truth, that's fine with me, but I'm not going to be stifled by the prospect of being fired."

Beltran became especially vocal about his misgivings with the writing following the introduction of Seven of Nine (Jeri Ryan) in season four, feeling that Chakotay was one of several characters who had their role reduced as a result.

In a more recent interview, Beltran compared working on Voyager to the grind of working at a car factory:

"If I was working in a car factory and putting on tires, the only difference would be the size of the tires I was working on from week to week...If it wasn’t real satisfying to me creatively - except with the occasional scene that I really like doing – then it was a day at the factory and I always did my work, and I always did my best."

Beltran has nevertheless spoken positively about the lifestyle the lucrative job afforded him and praised many of his fellow cast members, even if it's clear that he was sticking it out for the pay rather than his love of the craft.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.