10 Actors Who Played MANY Roles In The Same Show

6. Rachel Dratch - 30 Rock

Orphan Black Tatiana Maslany

Rachel Dratch was a recurring member of the ensemble cast on hit sitcom 30 Rock, appearing in 16 episodes across its seven seasons, and playing a different character almost every single time.

Dratch played almost a dozen separate bit-part characters throughout the series, as quickly became a running gag for fans to keep an eye out for.

These roles included cat wrangler Greta Johansen, Latina cleaning lady Maria, a doctor named Dr. Beauvoir, Russian hooker Vlem, an Eastern European woman called Jadwiga, and also real-life figures Barbara Walters and Elizabeth Taylor in hilarious caricature form, among others.

Legend dictates that this was something of a consolation prize for Dratch, who was originally cast in the role of Jenna Maroney in 30 Rock's pilot episode, but reportedly after test audiences responded negatively to her, the part was recast with Jane Krakowski.

While it's a shame that Dratch missed out on such a lucrative lead role, she did nevertheless prove to be an hilarious presence any time she showed up in day-player capacity.

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