10 Actors Who Should Play Doctor Who (But Won't)
1. Michael Sheen

Michael Sheen is one of the most common fan-casts whenever a regeneration rolls around, and his roles alongside the Tenth (and Fourteenth) Doctor David Tennant in Good Omens and Staged only increased the desire to see him make the jump to the Whoniverse.
Of course, Sheen has already appeared in Doctor Who: he was the voice of the malevolent entity House in the Eleventh Doctor episode The Doctor's Wife, but since he was totally unrecognisable in the role, there are many people who don't even know that's him, and it would be great to see him land a proper onscreen gig in the show.
He's got the charm, the eccentricity, the overwhelming Britishness, and a strong track record of playing quirky characters. He's also got terrific dramatic chops too - his underrated turn as Leeds Utd manager Brian Clough is one that deserved more awards recognition than it got.
But sadly, Sheen as Doctor Sixteen (rhyme totally intended) just doesn't seem likely. At 54 years old, he's well out of the age bracket the show seems to be heading in with its trendy younger cast, and it's hard to shake the feeling that his time has passed.
Still, he does find all the Doctor Who fan-casts "incredibly flattering", so it seems like he'd be open to appearing in the show, even if the starring role is never ultimately his.
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