10 Actors Who Spoiled Huge TV Deaths

8. Juliette Lewis - Yellowjackets

Better Call Saul

In Yellowjackets' second season finale, adult Natalie (Juliette Lewis) is killed when she's accidentally stuck with a needle containing phenobarbital by Misty (Christina Ricci).

The death wasn't terribly surprising to the series' dedicated fans, though, many of whom figured that Natalie wasn't long for this world after Juliette Lewis took part in a cast Q&A way back in November 2021 - the very month that the show's first season premiered.

In the closing moments of the Q&A, a visibly agitated Lewis speaks about how playing Natalie is "depressing" and "not what [she] expected," before making a speedy bee-line off the stage.

As a result, fans immediately began to suspect that Lewis' tenure on the show would be short-lived, and that she'd be killed off at the nearest opportunity that made sense.

And so, given that Yellowjackets' first season was already in the can at the time of this Q&A, her death had to be saved for season two, and presumably happened because Lewis was positively done-zo with this part.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.