10 Actors Who Spoiled Huge TV Deaths

9. Kit Harington - Game Of Thrones

Better Call Saul

In the final episode of Game of Thrones' fifth season, Jon Snow (Kit Harington) is killed by Alliser Thorne (Owen Teale) and his men, as remains one of the series' all-time most shocking moments - no matter that Snow was ultimately resurrected early in the next season.

But Harington inadvertently gave the game away when, in June 2014, he revealed that he was contractually prevented from cutting his hair while playing the part.

And so, when Harington showed up to the premiere of his new film Testament of Youth in early 2015 with a short crop, many fans took it as proof that Jon Snow was going to die in the upcoming season.

Evidently, the fact that Harington had only a small role in season five's first few episodes pre-resurrection allowed him to get a haircut without ruffling too many feathers at HBO.

Ultimately this was less a case of Harrington being careless than how insatiably Thrones' dogged fanbase will pursue every possible lead in the search of cast-iron spoilers.

That said, Harrington probably should've kept the "hair clause" tidbit to himself if he wanted an easier life.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.