10 Adult Swim Infomercials Better Than Too Many Cooks

10. Smart Pipe

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DJklHwoYgBQ Though not as memorable as others on this list, Smart Pipe is a good place to start. It's a spoof of idealistic future tech, Silicon Valley style adds, the item of display being a toilet pipe that analyses all the information of your feces and posts them online. Basically, it takes toilet humor to another level. In somewhat of an usual manner for absurd skits, the characters are oblivious of the utter stupidity of the product, failing to understand how the American Government would not support the only corporation that's registered as a sex offender. Otherwise, the sketch is limited to its topic, marked by only a few contained twists that don't really alter the direction. If anything, it's a straightforward analysis of the ridiculous efforts that corporations will make to just go through your shit.
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Doctor Who
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Adrian Serban lives in Bucharest, Romania where he has studied screenwriting and film criticism. But it's not all about artsy European dramas for him, as he's also a fan of horrors, kung-fu flicks and sci-fi films of all eras. Monty Python and Doctor Who are two British institutions that changed his life for the better. Or so he thinks.