10 Amazing TV Action Set-Pieces That Rivalled Cinema

4. Lost - Plane Crash Aftermath

Spartacus Fight

Regardless of the infamous backlash that eventually hit this NBC series, there’s no denying the incredible power the opening moments held. It hooked many a viewer immediately with its big-budget intro; a piece of spectacle that had never been seen before on standard network TV.

The haunting (surreal almost) opening featuring a wounded suit-wearing man (Matthew Fox) waking up in a forest, then takes a jarring shift that hooks the viewer by the lapels, as Fox steps onto a beach where the total chaos of an aeroplane crash aftermath is occurring.

The sequence was filled with exciting last-minute rescues, exploding engines and relentless energy. It was all filmed with such a bombastic flourish by J.J Abrams, it's no surprise he became a big-name blockbuster maker soon after.


is a freelance writer that loves ingesting TV shows, Video Games, Comics, and all walks of Movies, from schmaltzy Oscar bait to Kung-Fu cult cinema...actually, more the latter really.