10 Amazing TV Action Set-Pieces That Rivalled Cinema

3. True Detective - Drug Heist Gone Wrong

Spartacus Fight

There’s no denying what a peak moment for TV the first season of this HBO show was; everything about it said long-format movie, yet the moment where it really proved it, was with that incredible sequence.

Yes, that six-minute tracking shot that has troubled Detective Rust (Matthew McConaughy) go undercover for a drug heist. Then things go wrong and explode into a shocking action scene, then segues into a wild chase through a rough neighbour where absolutely everyone is attempting to kill our hero and his begrudging mark.

It was a flawless piece of work that surpassed what could be done on the small screen, becoming not only a stand-out moment for TV that year - but also the best action scene made in 2014, period.


is a freelance writer that loves ingesting TV shows, Video Games, Comics, and all walks of Movies, from schmaltzy Oscar bait to Kung-Fu cult cinema...actually, more the latter really.