10 Anime Deaths You Didn't See Coming

1. Death Note - Light Yagami

Asuna Sword Art Online

As the inheritor of Ryuk's spare Death Note, Light uses it to the utmost degree. Combined with his intellect, the power to kill pretty much anyone in the world at any time from anywhere makes him a god in his own right.

The combination of both of these things is so powerful that he even manages to beat the world's greatest detective after a long game of cat and mouse, allowing him to assume full control of the entire world without any serious threat to his position. He now has L's reputation as a cover and his identity as the God of the New World.

Given such an impressive record and advantageous position, it would be fair to assume that any future opponents of his would eventually succumb to his might, no matter how cunning or persistent. However, this is not the case with Near.

While Light managed to defeat Near's predecessor, his hubris and arrogance ultimately cause his downfall. He flies too close to the sun, and he pays the price, concluding the series with his death. In the end, Light is completely and utterly defeated.


Anime, manga, light novel, fantasy book enthusiast. Otherwise a pretty boring guy.