10 Anime Deaths You Didn't See Coming

6. Overly Cautious Hero - Seiya Ryūgūin

Two things define Seiya Ryūgūin's character, ridiculous power, and excessive cautiousness. In every single encounter he has had, he always ensures every possible preparation is made, everything is accounted for, whether it be his equipment or skills.

Not only that, but once he engages an enemy, he endeavors to completely and utterly obliterate them as quickly as humanly possible. That alone is more than enough to deal with any conceivable threat. However, from the get-go, Seiya is a genius in fighting that even surpasses the gods.

With all of this in mind, such a protagonist losing his life to a mere Demon Lord sounds absurd; generally speaking, demons are seen as the lesser of their godly counterparts, and the gods are even lesser to Seiya. Combined with the fact that Seiya breezes through every single minion of the Demon Lord up to this point creates a narrative of assured victory.

Yet, to the audience's horror, the overly cautious hero is not prepared for once. He can not do anything more to prepare, as he is already at max level. By contrast, his foe is even more overwhelming than one can imagine.


Anime, manga, light novel, fantasy book enthusiast. Otherwise a pretty boring guy.