10 Animes To Watch If You’ve Never Seen Anime
Do you or a friend want to get into anime? Here are some choices to get you started.

Anime has been around for an extremely long time and as a result, has thousands of incredible stories beloved by many.
At some point, you or someone you know will have been recommended to watch any number of these animes without a clue where to start.
Many popular gateway shows include Death Note, Dragon Ball Z, Attack on Titan, and even Pokemon. They're all great choices, but we'll be taking a look at some of the more modern additions - mainly to avoid sitting through all nine-hundred and twenty nine episodes of One Piece again.
When recommending a show or film it is often easy to confuse popularity with accessibility, whereas in truth it's key to find a good balance between the two.
For example, One Punch Man is an amazing show, that flips the shonen genre on its head. But if the viewer is not already familiar with the tropes that One Punch Man is parodying, then a lot of the jokes and messages are lost.
For this list, we've compiled some of the latest and greatest animes from multiple genres to recommend for any first timers out there.
11. Honorable Mention - Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood

Full Metal Alchemist is one of the all-time greats of anime.
FMA was one of the first major serialized animes to make its way onto western television and as such became a fan favourite. Similar to Dragon Ball Z or Death Note, newcomers will have no doubt been asked at some point to check out this exciting tale of alchemy and brotherly love.
However, we aren't here to talk about the original but rather the later adaptation titled Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood. What this rendition did differently was that it followed the source material much more closely which created a divide between fans.
The first story arc plays out relatively the same, but deviates when more and more characters begin to be introduced, with the major difference being how the Seven Deadly Sins characters are represented.
Some prefer the original for the nostalgia, while others praise Brotherhood for its accuracy.
Both versions are incredible to watch and we urge you to decide for yourself which one you prefer.