8. The Venture Bros.
Drawn and inked in a time-honored (albeit digital) animation style, The Venture Bros. follows the off the wall animated escapades of pseudo-heroic scientist Dr. Rusty Venture, his knowledgeable, high strung bodyguard, and his two over-enthusiastic sons. The Venture Bros pays homage and is a satiric re-imagining of the '60s series Jonny Quest and is one of the most cleverly-written cartoons youre bound to see. Its over-the-top funny, it has incredible action sequences, it almost certainly has the most complicated back-story in the history of complicated back stories, and it is a true labor of love. The great thing about this show is that although it is a very funny self parody of animated boy adventurers, it also has characters who are actually developed, that you care about. Intelligent, witty, funny as hell, and full of surprises; definitely a must-watch.